Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Glorious Praise

There is a song which talks about "I was created to make Your praise glorious." I was singing this song the other day, and I was challenged with this thought. My sole purpose in life is to Praise Him. Not to make a name for myself. Not to strive to have the most toys, but to make glorious praise to God. More than lip service praise, but in my daily attitude. God wants more than lip service from His children. I love to hear my son say "I love you to, Daddy", but it has such a sweeter sound when it is unprovoked. It seems anymore the only time I tell God I love Him is when I need something. I have challenged myself to make His praise glorious, and I challenge whoever reads this to do the same!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Hidden Dangers

I have had this on my mind for several weeks, so here goes. Have you ever noticed how beautiful thunderstorms are from a distance. With their big cotton candy like clouds. That is until you get caught in the middle of it. Then it can very easily turn in to a very life threatening situation. It really doesn't matter how large they are either. Each and every storm is capable of producing the same damaging effects. Thunderstorms are a lot like sin. From a distance sin can look very beautiful and extremely appealing, but can cause life threatening results to both our spiritual and physical lives. No matter how large or small the sin my appear it is capable of producing the same damaging effects.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Two Years Ago

Well, it just dawned on me as I was telling my story to a friend from high school; Thursday was the two year anniversary of the day which changed my life and the lives of my family forever. I was overwhelmed with emotion and began to thank God he saved my life. I remember someone asking me if I ever questioned God as to why it happened. I can honestly say the only question which ever entered my mind was "WOW, I wonder what God has in store for me in the future?" I ask this same question again today. God, what do you have in store for my life. I had a good friend tell me the other day fasting is really the only way to get true clarity in your spiritual ears. So I guess I should do this just to clean the wax out of my spiritual ears. Again I want to proclaim to the world, or my 2 readers, I give God all the credit for my complete and continued recovery.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Have you ever ...

had one of those moments when you know God is trying to shift your paradigm. It all started on Sunday at church. My pastor talked about happiness, and how we will never be happy until we learn to become people centered instead of self centered. Then Sunday night I was talking to a friend of mine, and we began to talk about consumerism. Then on Monday morning I was talking to my friend and boss at work and he mentioned consumersim. He began to talk about living life not for what we can get out of it, but what can we give back. Then on Tuesday my wife asked me to run by the store on my way home to pick up some tea. As I was entering the store I saw some people selling something as you exited the store. I had already made up my mind I wasn't going to look at them on the way out. So as I was leaving I very quickly ran out the door and didn't look their way. They asked if I would.... I cut them off in mid stream telling them I wasn't interested. I hurried on my way toward my truck when I hear that little voice, the one we try to drown out from time to time, say to me "How do you know you are not interested? You didn't even hear what they had to offer. Go back and see what they wanted." Well I tried to drown out the voice and argue with it, which didn't work. I got in my truck, started it and the voice said don't leave. I thought to myself what's going to happen if I do, but truthfully I didn't want to find out. So I turned off the truck and walked back up there to find out they were raising money for D.A.R.E. So I bought a $5 teddy bear. On the way back to the truck I said God you must really be trying to shift my paradigm. I get in my truck start it to go home and on the radio is "Paradigm" by All Together Separate. They were singing the line "Oh, I stand solid while the paradigm is shifting'. That is when I realized God is shifting my paradigm. Maybe he wants to shift yours to.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Rebuilding Together

The company I work has teamed up with Rebuilding Together to help a family here in OKC make repairs to their house. Without our help this family would be unable to make these repairs themselves. The date is April 12th, and Jennifer and I are going to volunteer. If you would like to join us in making a difference in someone else's life drop me a comment or an e-mail, and I will get you all the details.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Are you a pimped out S-10?

This afternoon on my way home from Auto Zone I saw an S-10 Blazer with Lexus rims on it. I almost had to pull over to laugh it was so hilarious. I thought to myself check this guy out trying to be something he's not. Then the Lord buzzed me. You do it all the time. "I do not!" was my first thought. As if I know myself better than the Lord. You know we all try to pretend we are something we aren't. I can't tell you how many times I have have been mad and tried to hide it, or back in the day when I was living in sin and trying play church. The truth is no matter how much I tried I was still mad and I was still buried up to my neck in sin. Just like the S-10 today no matter how hard we try we can't really hide who we are. We will still be an S-10, pimped out, but still an S-10.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Food for Thought!

Have you ever wondered why God waited so long for Sarah to get pregnant? Could it be to prove beyond all doubt Abraham was truly Issac's father. What if Abraham had never lied about Sarah being his sister? Would it have taken 14 years after the promise for the promise to be fulfilled? How many things in my life have been delayed because of a lie or a hidden secret?

Thursday, February 28, 2008

More Thoughts

Have you ever wondered how Abram felt when God told him He would make his offspring like the dust. If anyone could count the dust so could his offspring be counted. Do you think he would have done anything different if he had know the Messiah would come from his descendants?

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Just Thoughts

I have started using a read the bible in a year program on Facebook. I am currently reading in Genesis. I find it very interesting how Noah's son, Ham, disgraced him and Noah cursed him and all of his descendants. The really interesting part is later in life the Israelites fought and defeated two of the descendants of Ham, the Canaanites and the Philistines. As my pastor always says you will fight your daddy's and your daddy's daddy's battle. I praise God Christopher will not have to fight the battles his daddy has had to fight. Thank God for the breaking of Generational curses.